MACC Diversity and Inclusion

by BRC Design and Print, LLC


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The Growth Alliance Task Force (GAFT) is a subcommittee of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce. It's primary function is to educate minority business owners on a variety of entrepreneurial functions and increase their access to opportunities and resources. The GAFT mission is to strengthen small and minority business through education, mentoring, and training, thereby enhancing the opportunity of success. The committee works to promote growth and enhance community awareness of minority businesses through increased minority membership and participation in Chamber programs. The task force also coordinates the annual Eagle Awards and the Minority Business Advocate Award. The task force meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Darrell Randle, the Chamber’s vice president of small business development, highlighted the Chamber’s expertise in advising, counseling and mentoring small and minority businesses, helping them compete for large-scale projects. The Chamber also helps public and private companies develop and implement supplier diversity programs. With these programs come enhanced opportunities for Mobile’s diverse companies, explained Randle.Why the Focus on Minority Business?Nationally, the trend of big companies diversifying their supplier base continues. “Mobile’s minority businesses should have a chance at those opportunities,” Randle said.
But it’s more than a trend driving local efforts. “We must increase and sustain the growth of minority-owned firms to reduce unemployment levels, increase dollars flowing into the Mobile region and build wealth throughout our community,” he adds.